Limit Breaker Kay?

Limit Breaker is a transformation that Kay can undergo. It is a powerful and rare transformation that grants immense strength, and speed.What is Limit Breaker?
When a character transforms into a Limit Breaker, an aetheric reaction causes their power to become more intense. The transformation allows them to access new abilities and techniques, making them incredibly powerful.
Initially thought of as a blessing of Hydaelyn. We now know that this is cause by Dynamis.
Dynamis is a volatile form of energy that reacts with strong emotions.

Limit Breaker Forms (LB)

  • Limit Breaker This is the first transformation that one can undergo, and it is triggered by intense anger or emotion. In this form, Changes in appearance can occur. Speed, strength, and durability all improve. However, the transformation also puts a significant strain on the body.

  • Limit Breaker 2 This transformation is a more powerful version of the LB form. It is triggered by even more intense emotions or training. To help achieve this form at least three others can offer their aether and wishes to draw this form out.

  • Limit Breaker 3 This transformation is the most powerful of the three, and it is extremely difficult to achieve. It requires immense training and power. To help achieve this form at least seven others can offer their aether and wishes to draw this form out. However, the form puts an incredible strain on ones body, and can only be maintained for a short time before becoming exhausted.